...living in relationships that re-orient and re-imagine life on mission as a family.
Gospel Communities exist to GROW us as disciples, DEEPEN our roots as family and REACH our world with compelling mission. GCs challenge us to live as a family of disciples on mission. These communities call us to reorient everything toward listening and responding to God’s voice.
Mondays 1st & 3rd 5:30pm (Glendoveer)
The Frank & Barbara Esselink and Jason & Megan (Mango Stango) Stangland (email this GC)
Tuesdays 1st & 3rd 6:00pm (East Portland)
Michael & Jeanette Miller and Travis & Erin Vice (email this GC)
Thursdays 2nd & 4th 5:30pm (Parkrose)
Dominic & Jena Abaria and Erik & Amy Bjangsund (email this GC)
Thursdays 1st & 3rd 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Youth Room) YOOTS (Youth of Roots)
Travy-Trav (email Yoots)